Friday, April 20, 2012

Going Green for Earth Day

Earth Day is this Sunday, April 22, 2012. There are so many great things going on this weekend, so get out there and get involved! The Internet is all abuzz with how people across the country and world can help our environment remains healthy for this and future generations.

Meanwhile I will continue to choose refurbishing over buying brand new. I hate stuff, and I hate that more and more STUFF is made everyday! I wish we would stop mass producing so much sh!t, and make do with what we have.

This weekend I hope it's nice enough to get my garden going in the backyard, and fix up this awesome dresser I found for free!

I hope everyone enjoys this spring weekend! Follow me on Instagram @Tcbasket22 for photo updates of my life.


  1. Replies
    1. haha sorry i didn't see this comment till just now... yep I found that bad boy in a "free pile" on the side of a Vermont country road :) I am planning on painting it white, one of these days!
