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Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Kelley in Baltimore

A few weeks ago I went to visit my friend Kelley in Baltimore. We drove to Philly to catch a Grace Potter concert, which rocked! Kelley is very well traveled. Within the past year she has been all over Europe and Africa! I poke fun at the fact that she has gone to 5 colleges in the past 5 years, and she still doesn't have her degree yet! She is graduating from Goucher College this May, I'll believe it when I see it haha, just kidding I know she will get it done with cum laude.

So, here are some pictures from my visit to Baltimore, featuring Kelley's apartment and her eclectic bedroom. I am envious of her wide collection of earrings and books!

[i'll have to ask Kelley for this mango-ginger-aloe smoothie recipe. it's literally the best smoothie ever.]

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